Raymond Wauters — Designer, Copywriter, Creative

Direct Mail



Direct Mail 8x8 Recruiting Campaign

This specific direct mail series is based on the NINJA 8x8 Recruiting method. Over the course of 8 weeks, recruiting managers at CBDHR would have each of these six jumbo-sized 6”x11” postcards mailed. On the two weeks when a postcard was not sent out, the managers would contact the recruits or meet with them to discuss methods of moving brokerages and the services CBDHR presented.


WEEK 1 | The Market

This week we present heavily CBDHR branded infographics and raw statistics as a snapshot of the current local real estate market. This is done in hopes to convey the company’s dedication to researching the industry and hints at how the company arms its affiliated agents despite shifts in the market—the largest deterrent preventing agents from moving brokerages.


WEEK 2 | Company USP #1 — Marketing

This week, the company gets its opportunity in the spotlight. The company’s unique in-house marketing team is presented as it is a resource to all agents—a unique selling point that wins over plenty of recruits. Additionally, the card informs recruits of the client retention program—this is done as an attempt to show that the company knows how the agents retain their business: my retaining their clients.


WEEK 3 | Company USP #2 — Technology

In contrast to something like marketing, Week 3 presents a tech-based tool. This postcard showcases another unique selling point of the program — a program that would normally be an agent expense, but is provided by CBDHR.


WEEK 4 | Divisions

On Week 4, the managers have by now reached out to the recruits, so this postcard provides recruits with the knowledge of the company’s five divisions as options for those who are interested in branching into a new niche.


Postcard Signature

On the back of every card is a signature with the recruiting manager’s information, a list of all offices, and a bio so that recruits may familiarize themselves with the manager before they reach out to the recruits directly.